With ORBstreams.h++ a C++ collection can be passed directly. The IDL file would look like this:
opaque RWSlistCollectable; interface Account { RWSlistCollectable getTransactions(); . . . };
With ORBstreams.h++, the object streams its state to and from a virtual stream:
class Transaction : public RWCollectable { RWDECLARE_COLLECTABLE(Transaction) public: enum TransType {unknown, withdrawal, deposit}; Transaction(); Transaction(float amt, TransType type, RWDate d, RWTime t); virtual ~Transaction(); void saveGuts(RWvostream &strm) const { // stream object state to a virtual output stream RWCollectable::saveGuts(strm); strm << amount_ << (short)type_ << date_ << time_; void restoreGuts(RWvistream &strm) // stream object state from a virtual input stream RWCollectable::restoreGuts(strm); strm>> amount_ >> (short &)type_ >> date_ >> time_; } private: // internal state of object float amount_; TransType type_; RWDate date_; RWTime time_; };
With ORBstreams.h++ the server object can return the collection directly:
class Account_i { public: Account_i(); RWSlistCollectable *getTransactions( CORBA_Environment &IT_env) { return new RWSlistCollectable(transactions_); }; private: RWSlistCollectable transactions_; }; DEF_TIE_Account(Account_i)
With ORBstreams.h++ the collection is ready to use; no translation is necessary. The client code would look like this:
RWSlistCollectable *transactionList; // first, bind to object... // then call the server and get Rogue Wave type back TRY { transactionList = theAccount->getTransactions(); } CATCHANY { fatal ("Unexpected exception: ", IT_X); } ENDTR
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